What is Addiction: The Negative Impact on Your Life

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Exis Recovery

Drugs and alcohol are no respecters of class, race, religion, or socioeconomic status. They affect people from all walks of life, and the pattern of addiction can develop in anyone’s life.

Addiction is a learned coping behavior that we pick up along the way. Every human being responds to stressful life events in their own way. Some people release their stress through exercise and working out. Others use food and overeating to cope with difficult life circumstances. For those who have been affected by addiction, the consumption of drugs or alcohol has been their coping mechanism. At some point in the past, addicts and alcoholics used substances to cope with a stressful life event – and it worked. The burden of life was not so heavy anymore. They felt they could finally manage their situation. Most of all, it gave them relief.

The experience of finally finding relief, one that is as easy as taking a sip or ingesting a drug, is a powerful one. Our coping behaviors are learned at a very young age, and those experiences become hardwired in the subconscious mind. In the future, when stress and difficulties arise, a person will revert back to the behavior that has always worked for them.

Eventually, this coping behavior becomes so disruptive, or destructive, that it significantly impacts the user’s life. Financial issues, depression, changes in mood and social network become the norm. Usually at this point, the consequences of the substance abuse are beginning to outweigh its perceived benefits. Hopefully, this is the point at which people begin seeking treatment.

There are many different methods for the treatment of alcohol and drug addiction. Twelve step solutions, medications, therapy, and life coaching all have their benefits. There are drastically varied philosophies on which method is the most effective.

It is our belief that long-term recovery is dependent upon a holistic approach to treatment. We are fortunate to live in a moment of human history, where there is a plethora of treatment options available for addiction. We believe that a successful recovery includes the best of what each option has to offer.

Recovery includes a plan for the future to ensure success, and reinforces a solid foundation. Recovery is a process that includes the entire familial and support system of the patient. Finally, recovery is a holistic process and involves the rejuvenation of the mind, body, and soul.

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